Category: personal essays

The personal essays of Aaron Schultz.

Still Life. A Poem

Still Life by Aaron Schultz I want a switch, a giant circuit breaker Grab handle with both hands, throw it up Break the circuit, break the seizure Stop the pain, stop the shock Restart the heart, keep my daughter from this brutal callousness called normal This is not the world I’ve worked to create This is not the world I’ve…

In 1966 MLK said, "Of all the forms of inequity, injustice in healthcare is the most shocking and inhumane."

The Injustice of American Healthcare

Objects Are More Important Than People “Of all the form of inequity, injustice in healthcare is the most shocking and inhumane,” Martin Luther King said 50 years ago. Healthcare is not a privilege. It is a right. Speak up. Don’t be a bystander. Despite spending the most per-capita on healthcare, the USA shows the lowest life expectancy and highest infant…

Snowboarding Dawn Patrol

Trail Report. Dawn Patrol. Teton Pass. Wyoming. The ritual starts the night before by packing your pack, which if you’ve had a good winter is packed already and just needs replenishment. Water. Powerbar. Apple. Chocolate. Layers. Headlamp. First aid kit. Lighter. Multi-tool. Eyewear. Avalanche kit: probe, shovel, beacon, inclinometer. Optional small thermos for coffee on the summit. Keep pack light,…

In love with the view and writing in journals, three writers sit on the deck of a fire outlook overlooking Hells Canyon in NE Oregon.

Do What You Love: You Are Saying it Wrong

The Love Affect “Do what you love.” We’ve been saying it backwards. This confusion isn’t our fault because we give and receive this platitude casually, thinking it makes us sound enlightened. On the surface, this bumper sticker sounds satisfying and achievable, like building then sitting by a fire. Looking deeper, however, “do what you love” is more like your last,…

Old Dog Shaky Legs

(I wrote the following last December, 2015. The photo was taken during Winter’s last camping trip, the weekend before she died. Last Sunday, Jen and I picked up Winter’s ashes, a paw print, and a lock of her fur.) Winter Dog, sweet Winter Dog. Her hind end has been shaking more and more. Lately, when we go for walks in…