Breakdown Fifteen years ago, I had a nervous breakdown. Rooted in depression and anxiety, breakdowns shift one’s perspective from bad dream to nightmare and wasn’t my first, or my last. I was thirty feet up a ladder working on a house and sobbing so hard, I could barely climb down.
Category: current events

Repeal of the ACA Obamacare
Many people are sharing their stories of how the repeal of the ACA (Affordable Care Act, otherwise know as “Obamacare”) would impact them through the denial of services because of pre-existing conditions. Here’s my story.
Conspiracy Against American Teachers
50% of new teachers leave the field after five years. Think about it. Just when someone is getting the hang of this difficult job, they leave for a different field. All that training, experience, and education gone, deprived from our children. The way teachers are treated in this country makes me sick. One must wonder if budgets and salaries are…
Response to Pulse Shootings
Last night I had a dream. In it, I was searching a hotel, trying to find someone. A woman stopped me in the lobby, saying, “50 people were just murdered, shot to death in Florida. It’s a new record.” Sitting down on a nearby bench, I put my head in my hands and started crying, soul sadness pushing out from…