Breakdown Fifteen years ago, I had a nervous breakdown. Rooted in depression and anxiety, breakdowns shift one’s perspective from bad dream to nightmare and wasn’t my first, or my last. I was thirty feet up a ladder working on a house and sobbing so hard, I could barely climb down.
Category: social justice

The Injustice of American Healthcare
Objects Are More Important Than People “Of all the form of inequity, injustice in healthcare is the most shocking and inhumane,” Martin Luther King said 50 years ago. Healthcare is not a privilege. It is a right. Speak up. Don’t be a bystander. Despite spending the most per-capita on healthcare, the USA shows the lowest life expectancy and highest infant…

Repeal of the ACA Obamacare
Many people are sharing their stories of how the repeal of the ACA (Affordable Care Act, otherwise know as “Obamacare”) would impact them through the denial of services because of pre-existing conditions. Here’s my story.