Seneca, a roman philosopher, once wrote that “we suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” I enjoy the rhetorical work of the word “imagination.” I also appreciate the Stoics’ philosophical similarities to mindfulness and Buddhism.
Category: mindfullness
Snowboarding Dawn Patrol
Trail Report. Dawn Patrol. Teton Pass. Wyoming. The ritual starts the night before by packing your pack, which if you’ve had a good winter is packed already and just needs replenishment. Water. Powerbar. Apple. Chocolate. Layers. Headlamp. First aid kit. Lighter. Multi-tool. Eyewear. Avalanche kit: probe, shovel, beacon, inclinometer. Optional small thermos for coffee on the summit. Keep pack light,…

Do What You Love: You Are Saying it Wrong
The Love Affect “Do what you love.” We’ve been saying it backwards. This confusion isn’t our fault because we give and receive this platitude casually, thinking it makes us sound enlightened. On the surface, this bumper sticker sounds satisfying and achievable, like building then sitting by a fire. Looking deeper, however, “do what you love” is more like your last,…
Old Dog Shaky Legs
(I wrote the following last December, 2015. The photo was taken during Winter’s last camping trip, the weekend before she died. Last Sunday, Jen and I picked up Winter’s ashes, a paw print, and a lock of her fur.) Winter Dog, sweet Winter Dog. Her hind end has been shaking more and more. Lately, when we go for walks in…
Response to Pulse Shootings
Last night I had a dream. In it, I was searching a hotel, trying to find someone. A woman stopped me in the lobby, saying, “50 people were just murdered, shot to death in Florida. It’s a new record.” Sitting down on a nearby bench, I put my head in my hands and started crying, soul sadness pushing out from…