How to Climb a Mountain: Walk with me a moment. Winter. Pre-dawn. Climbing a mountain, looming grey silhouette on pinpricked black. A bootpack. Left foot. Right foot. Check breath. Check technique. Check posture. Repeat. Each step, a choice. Each breath, a lesson.
Category: meditations

Our Suffering Imagination
Seneca, a roman philosopher, once wrote that “we suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” I enjoy the rhetorical work of the word “imagination.” I also appreciate the Stoics’ philosophical similarities to mindfulness and Buddhism.

Do What You Love: You Are Saying it Wrong
The Love Affect “Do what you love.” We’ve been saying it backwards. This confusion isn’t our fault because we give and receive this platitude casually, thinking it makes us sound enlightened. On the surface, this bumper sticker sounds satisfying and achievable, like building then sitting by a fire. Looking deeper, however, “do what you love” is more like your last,…